Indication of hearing loss

Saying pardon every time because you cannot understand what people are saying is very annoying and frustrating. The isolation that comes with being unable to follow conversations is very depressing. Therefore, if you avoid meeting friends and families due to the difficulty of following a conversation, this should be a cause for alarm.

The following are some indicators of hearing loss that you should watch out for:

People seem like they are mumbling more than before

People on television talk is unclear, and you can only understand the news reader

You do not enjoy music anymore

You prefer to use loudspeaker on your phone because people on the telephone are barely audible.

You do not go to bars and restaurant anymore because they are too loud for you

You feel left out in conversation since you find it hard to follow.

Hearing loss is a gradual process in most instances. Therefore, you may barely notice the decline. However, family and friends may identify the problem and comment on it. Slight noises such as birds singing or day-to-day household appliances noises are some of the noises you stop hearing without noticing that you stopped hearing them anymore.

It does not always mean that hearing loss equals to audible volume reduction. It can also be worsening in speech clarity before it becomes an issue of concern. If you are concerned about your hearing or you are experiencing any of the above indicators, feel free to contact us or visit us for a checkup or testing.