Diagnostic hearing test
The following is a hearing guide as provided by Audiology Hearing Centre.
Puretone audiometry
Puretone audiometry is a tiered method of hearing threshold testing. Its stronghold is audiology. The test works by playing various sounds, pitches, tones, and volumes via headphones. The patient is supposed to respond by pressing a button whenever he or she hears something. The test is then repeated using bone conduction headset. The purpose of the repeating the test is to evade the outer and the middle ear to test the inner ear directly. This helps to ensure that sounds are transmitted effectively through the entire auditory pathway.
Tympanometry Testing
Tympanometry examination can be performed to all clients who present conductive element to their hearing loss. Tympanometry Testing is an examination used to test the condition of the middle ear and the mobility of the eardrum-tympanic membrane and the conductive bones by the creation of variation in the air pressure in the ear canal. This test purposes to ascertain how large the client’s ear canal is, how efficient the energy transfer between outer and inner ear is, besides testing the pressure difference between the outer and middle ear.
The Tympanometry Testing process involves inserting tymparanometer that has a small rubber dome into the client’s ear canal. It then creates a tight seal, which is necessary for accurate recording. Introduction of a small amount of air pressure into a graph known as tympanogram then follows. Tympanometry Testing requires no client input, and it takes just a few seconds to perform.
Acoustic reflex testing (ART)
ART intends to test the natural defense mechanism of the middle ear muscle (Tensor Tympani) to high-intensity sound stimulation. Tensor Tympani responds to stimulation beneath the level of cognitive control. Simply put, it is an involuntary contraction just like how an individual pulls away from their hand from a hot surface without having to think how hot the surface is. The middle ear muscle problem indicates probable presence of a lesion. However, to be sure, further tests need to be performed.
In case we suspect that any of our clients have a problem with the cranial nerves of the auditory partway, Acoustic reflex testing is performed.
Just like tympanometry, a tymaponemeter is inserted into the ear canal. Then a small amount of air pressure and series of loud sounds are introduced. The test takes only one minute to perform it requires no clients feedback.
Hearing loss simulation
Blocking one’s ears cannot recreate hearing loss. A normal person can hear sounds at a range of volumes and frequencies with good clarity. On the contrary, a hearing-impaired person may have trouble with specific range of frequencies (high) but be comfortably able to hear other frequencies (low). In most cases, women and children voices are the most difficult to hear and understand.
To show family and friends what the hearing-impaired person is experiencing, there is a software that can be calibrated and programmed to show them. This software is specifically designed for family and friends unaware of the difficulties the hearing-impaired person is going through. It is a useful way to help loved one’s frustrations.
Balancing testing
All Audiology and Hearing Centre personnel undergo training that enables them to perform basic testing. Therefore, we can quickly asses any balance problem relating to inner ear beside identifying the need for onward referral. Unterberger testing and Romberg Manoueuvre testing are the two main types of balance testing.
Romberg testing is used to examine a client’s neurological function. It based on the principle that a person requires two of the three of the below senses to maintain balance while standing.
- Vision (aptitude for observing and controlling for body position changes
- Proprioception (aptitude to identify one’s body in space)
- Vestibular function (the capacity to recognize one’s head position in space)
Unterberger test diagnosis the presence and location-right or left- of potential lesions.
The client is requested to walk on the spot for one minute with a high step, in a quiet background, both eyes opened, and with both eyes closed. Any result indicating loss of balance or instability can be interpreted as positive unterberger test and could indicate a possible problem with the individual’s vestibular test system.
Video otoscopy
Our audiologists have several years of experience in using otoscopy. Ensuring that our client’s ears are clear and healthy is an important service of Audiology and Hearing Centre services. Therefore, we ensure that we deliver a quality service during every appointment. Otoscopy examines the health of the ear canal and the eardrum by the use of an otoscope. At Audiology and Hearing Centre services, we use various otoscopes including, Welch Allyn and video otoscopes such as the Alina and Delfino. The video otoscopes have video and image capture capabilities.
We aim to make every visit by our clients as informative as possible. Moreover, we try to engage our clients as much as possible by the use of otoscopes. We talk to our clients via visible landmarks of the outer ear. In some cases, we explain the pathologies of your ear.
The ability of the otoscope to take pictures of the client’s ear allows us to record the essential information for future reference. We compare these images during the client’s every visit so that we can identify possible areas of alarm and permits us to monitor the progression of the pathology of the client’s ear. In case referable condition or pathology is identified, pictures are taken and sent to your GP for investigation and record.